Delton Martin's Very Dark Maple Syrup. New Season 2022
Very robust flavour, burnt toffee and deliciously maple!
For that short span of time, between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. When the nights are still freezing hard, but the day temperatures are rising above zero,the sap begins to rise. The Maple trees are beginning to wake up and are preparing to bud. As the sap begins to flow the maple syrup season starts, some years as brief as 10 days and others as long as 3 weeks.
The collected sap is reduced over a wood fire. It takes 40 litres of sap to produce 1 litre of maple syrup. Nothing is added, only water is removed.The early sap gives rise to a very light syrup (fancy). By the end of the season the sap produces a syrup that has become much darker.The grades range from Fancy through to Medium and Amber, and some seasons Dark.
The taste of the syrup also changes from delicate and creamy to tastes of toffee and caramel, and to a richer maple taste.
Ontario Very Late Harvest. 330g